Friday, June 11, 2010

The Last 4 Weeks.....

.....have gone by in a flash.

I've missed you guys. I don't know where to begin. back things up a bit.  Me and hubby got up on May 14th around 5am and left for the hospital around 6.  We were there by 7 and by 8:30 they were prepping me for the C-Section.

All went well...even the ever so painful spinal tap.  But once the meds kicked in was a walk in the park.  Kobi was born at 9:54am and shortly after I was waiting for them to finish tying my tubes. 

((I can't remember if I told you guys or not but that was our final decision.  NO MORE least none coming out of me.))

I was in my suite by 12 and they sent me home on Sunday May 16th.

Since then I've spent my time doing the usual.  Tending to a recently circumsized penis, getting peed, pooped and spitup on.  Changing diapers and waking up every 2 hrs to put my nipples through more trauma than they should have to bare.

He is a very easy baby.  All he wants is to be fed...ON TIME.  I had to learn the hard way that he also hates to be changed before or after a feeding so I have to change him in between switching boobs.

We are still getting used to having a new person around here.  Lael has been a big help.  She holds him everyday and has recently fed him from a bottle.

D hasn't had much time with him but she will be here for summer break so I'll be sure to teach her how to change a diaper or two.

Hubby is giddy.  He stares at him mostly.  Poking at him like he's a pet.  All I can do is giggle.

I can't believe it's been 4 weeks.  He was 7lbs 11oz when born and 7lbs 5oz when we left the hospital.  I took him back for his 2 week checkup and he was already 9lbs.  I think it's safe to say he will be one of those adorable, make you want to nibble on their cheeks, chubby babies.

As I sit here typing he is laying on my chest but it still doesn't feel real.  I feel like I'm babysitting.  I'm not sure when I will get used to him.

His is all sorts of awesome. 

Here are a few pictures of the last few weeks.....


  1. Oh my, he is ADORABLE. I am so glad he is a good baby and that things are going well. :)

  2. my oh my but he looks so aware for only being 4 weeks old. Congratulations! He's gorgeous and there is no mistaking that he is a little boy.

  3. My uterus hurts real bad now...

    I'm so glad all is well. He is a perfect blessing.

  4. Congratulations, Keyona. He is so beautiful! I especially love that second photo. Gotta love a man who appreciates sleep.

  5. What a sweetheart he is! I know EXACTLY what you are saying about everything in this post. Are you as exhausted as I am? :) But it is worth it.

  6. What a doll. I can't believe it's been 4 weeks already!

  7. Oh, I missed this post ): But now I found it ;)

    And I'm so glad because he's so stinking CUTE. I'm sure you're exhausted-the beginning is so beautifully HARD. Hang in there, Mama!


Those laughing with me...or at me.